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New Release! 

The Weight of Love

The moment I saw Stella at the gym, I knew I had to claim her. An instant forbidden attraction too hot to deny. Her curvy backside and seductive smile weren’t just amazing—they were a challenge I couldn’t resist.

Our flirty banter quickly turned into the most erotic night of passion, revealing desires for power, control, and surrender we never knew we craved.

Stella, a high-powered CEO twelve years my senior, has given up on love and relationships. A commanding presence in the boardroom, but secretly seeking surrender behind closed doors. And as a Navy man on the brink of deployment, I can't help but wonder if I'm just another one-night stand or the start of something real.

With my deployment approaching, staying away from Stella becomes impossible. Our connection grows stronger every day, leaving us both wondering if we’re more than just “holiday flings.”

As we Battle doubts about age and expectations, we face a choice: risk everything for a love that feels like destiny or walk away, forever haunted by what might have been.

If you enjoy steamy romances with forbidden love and characters who must choose between duty and desire, you'll love "The Weight of Love" Buy now before the price changes!

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